Sunday, September 14, 2008

BEST BEFORE USA: Bunnel of a gun

For the next couple of posts America's cultural icons give us an overview of what it means to be an American in the Election year, and importantly, what they would do if they were the President of the USA. We start with Sheriff (Retired) John Bunnel.

On Religion
That slammer in the sky is sure gonna be full come the day of Judgement.

On Security
What concerns me, when I lock up my car, or say goodnight to my kids, are punks, tramps, hobos, homos, yakking liberals and commies. Every country in the world has issues with shankings, ammo sandwiches, Jesus juice and abortions but how many 'o these crazy 'lil places would be man enough to put Tasers under their child's pillows at night, or give them a darn cold Uzi to pack into their luncnbox for their first day at Junior High, huh?

On fame
In the US, 'celebrity' is a dirty word right now. But try tellin' that to the lowlife's who come up to me and bug me for my autograph's, only to mistake me for that Frankenstein guy outta 'The Munsters'! Go figure!

McCain or Obama
Would you guys be comfortable voting for a guy who's name rhymes with Osama?I ain't met a soul who disagrees with me. I know what box I'll be checking, and if you're in any doubt where my loyalty lies just come and take a look in my refrigerator. What does it say on my packet of fries, huh? Can you see it? McCain. Everytime!

Guiltiest pleasure
Shooting pool with Hilary Clinton. Man that gal's got good eyes!

How do you relax?
I kinda get a kick outta chasing punks on the freeway in my helicopter and then goin' back to my crib an' layin' down some cold, hard freestylin' rhymes! My favourite line is 'that good kid gone bad is gonna be a dead punk well done'.

Sheriff John Bunnel has not approved this message.

(Phil Oakey is rehearsing with the Human League. He'll return in a couple of weeks-Ed)

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