Thursday, July 13, 2006

ZZ blows his top!

Ok, so I'm probably a few days out of date, a few months actually when you consider that I was about to write something about the world cup, PRIOR to the event. (That's the F.I.F.A World cup btw for you people from the US. You know, an event that is actually international unlike your screwball world series).

Anyway...I found it interesting, and I was a party to this, that after Zidane, leathered Materazzi in the final, there was much speculation amongst the fans and those in the media pertaining to what was actually said to make him go off like a raging bull. At the time I felt that it had to be a comment about his mother, you know, something along the lines, 'I fucked your mudder!' All kinds of theories from so called lip-reading experts came out, ranging from terrorist, racists jibes, to the sentiments I've just outlined. And since we don't really know what was exchanged, that we may never know (even Zidane hasn't gone into detail) I have a few suggestions.

Example 1.

MM. What ya doing tonight gayboy? (tweaks Z's nipples)
ZZ. After I lift ze world cup and get peessed, I might download a new browser.
MM. Fuck your browser, and your siwster too.
ZZ. You'll be sorry you ever zaid that.
MM. Fock youuuu

ZZ launches MM.

Example 2.

MM. I came when I saw your movie at the Cannes film festival.
ZZ. You won't ze the last.
MM. You lookalika crazy frog, no?
ZZ. I sheet on you.
MM. Eat Georga Bush's cream pie, eh?

ZZ fells MM.

Example 3

MM. You are a no good son of a Roberta Willams...a piece of Lily Allen scum, no?

ZZ kills MM

(Oh for fucks sake, you get the point. They're placeholders OK? Until I think of something funnier.)

All in all not a great world cup but not a bad one either. That final more than makes up for an entertaining tournament not seen since 1998, and as for those self-righteous pricks out their, puffing out their chests, and saying what a disgraceful end to a career, what a load of bollocks. It was a fantastic way to top an undiminshed career. Ask Maradonna...however he was far more contraversial...and in my opinion, a lesser player than Zidane (good as he was).

As for C. Ronaldo his career might as well be over, the diving ponce. He looks like he's just started puberty, in fact if you look at his album in the Paninni official world cup sticker album, the evidence is there.

But I guess it doesn't matter what I say as none of you fuckers, according to my hit count can be bothered to visit. Well fuck you. No really! Fuck you.

Same time next week.

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