Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Lindsay Lohan?

I know little or nothing about her. Well, this is not really true. I know that she is a hollywood actress (or actor if you're a feminist) and she also makes music. In either fields the quality is questionable. I understand that she is like most young females in this arena in that she is often prone to bouts of questionable behaviour and fit throwing.

I also have every reason to find Hollywood and everything it represents as largely mediorce and trivial and basic, actors included. In many respects what I'm saying is that they don't possess anything that interests me in the slightests. I don't care about gossip, their fame or money, they could walk in my room now and I would probably not bat an eyelid other than to say, 'Hey, what are you doing in my house at while I'm writing my blog entry...hey, come on, take a walk! No, really, get out!'

But with Lindsay something feels different. She interests me. I find myself curiously attracted to her. Now if you know me, you would understand why this is wrong on many levels. But, what attracts me about her aren't so much her looks but this plays a part but not for obvious reasons (although I can see she is attractive and has a couple of other points going for her). It isn't her questionable talent, but I did tolerate her in Herbie: Fully Loaded. In fact I used to have an orange VW Herbie called Hurbie. I couldn't drive it but Fritz would drive me around. Last time I was in that car you wouldn't believe the trouble I got in. But that's for another time. What draws me to her, is that she has an aura of madness about her. Behind that smile, and in those eyes is a crazy girl dying to get out. There's also something suitably masculine about her, something which feeds my curiosity, and intrigue. It's also in her voice. The idea that something dangerous and shameful lurks underneath. I can identify with most of these qualities. And because of this I find her lovely. Don't worry if you're reading this Lindsay, I'm too busy to stalk you and wouldn't if I could. By the way, Lindsay, what was Jamie Lee Curtis like to work with. I'd be interested in her auditioning for my next play.

I suppose for those of you who stumbled on this for hot gossip and are obsessed enough about her to keep reading, as I promised some goss about her, well here it is. As you know there was some concern that she didn't attend the Herbie: Fully Loaded premeire, in London, and had to rush home for 'family issues' or something. What actually happened, and I know this because, one of my colleagues was there, was that she had some videotapes to return. OMG, text that one fuckers! Apparently she had rented out 'War Games, D.A.R.Y.L and Cocoon'.

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