Oh well, here we go again. Been busy lately, drafting treatments, going to pitching lunches and the rest of it. Fritz is getting worried that since our last big project,
Best Before:December 2001, we haven't really produced anything, or at least had anything worth producing. That's to be understood to some extent when you realise that the majority of people have no taste and are a bit thick. Don't believe me? Just click on that tab to the top right of your screen where it says Next Blog. (This isn't a blind link or an advert, promise) What you'll get is a random surf to the blogging community. No doubt you'll will see that I'm in very poor, and to some extent, whacko territory.
But that's besides the point, that commissioning editor from Five, was supposed to have understood my proposal for Barrymore's Appendex, a surreal four part comedy about Michael Barrymore, who happens to have a dodgy appendix, but also with an undertone which answers his critics, as a once popular and much loved British entertainer. All I got was 'But Barrymore woon't do it, he's in New Zealand, and besides, it doesn't represent Five's remit.' You got that right! This coming from the arseholes who repeated the ever so hilarious Peter 'all I have to do is over explain my witty observations at the top of my voice and repeat a few times for the dullards and they'll lap it up' Kay at the top of the Tower. I feel such a bitch tonight! While I'm at it, as I was watching, though god knows why, Bands Reunited:Frankie Goes to Hollywood, why the fuck do American programmes have to subtitle English accents? Do they think their viewers are deaf stupid or what? For fuck sake: IT'S FUCKING ENGLISH! Make an effort! Fuck me, we have to put up with more than enough American slang. Jeez, I ain't dissing ya, but you gotta have respect, you know what I'm sayin'?
But I've had some good news. For the past few years, a little known writer, has used my trials and tribulations for a semi-biographical novel about me, called REPILKA, which is being prepared for publication later in the year. (Yes, for real, cynics!) If you click the link on the right, called
Gobsticks it'll take you to the authors other works. And no, I haven't slept with him, just in case you were wondering. Come on, what do you take me for?
So all, in all, a pretty mixed couple of days. By the way,
Nighty Night really is a pile of shit, dressed up as 'ooh, look, clever dark comedy' , and why didn't no-one give a shit about Lucas and Walliams when they were funnier in
Pie and Mash? Don't talk to me about comedy. My whole fucking life is a comedy.