I have a bone to pick with you, me old man! I read an interview with you last year in Record Collector magazine where you called ABBA shit! Now I respect your opinion, as much as anyone else's. I'm sure Mr Bob Geldof can take it just as much as he dishes it out, but let's back up a cotton picking moment...
This coming from the man who only had one decentish song!
This coming from the self appointed Saviour of poverty because 'I only did it cos no-one else would bollocks!'?
And do I have to mention the Big Breakfast?
You realise your opinion goes against many of your own contempories and heroes who would vastly disagree with you. While sometimes having the odd questionable lyric and song, not to mention the odd dodgy costume (which many, many lazy journalists and so called talking head observers are so fond of telling us because they are thick as pigshit and have nothing else of value to say), they still piss on you from a great height, Geldof! Got that?
If you want to dismiss them as shit, then I take it this includes the production, the girls voices, everything, eh? And while we're at it, wasn't it a copincidence that while everyone had to go through some pointless headline grabbing lottery to watch the crap Live 8 concerts, strange how you crappy named daughters, didn't have any problem. Don't patronise us and pontificate anymore, and sell us mediocrity to get your message across. It's kind of difficult to accept fake concern from a millionaire. Don't ever question the working class and try and make them feel guilty when they aren't the bad guys.
I haven't finished with the Make Poverty History...Make Geldof History, Make Curtis History...oh fuck off, I can't be bothered!
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