They are in fact living in the future...after a wayward nuclear explosion blew their plane out of the sky, and shed a cargo of pigs and polar bears over three islands. The fact that this plot device has been ripped off ITV's , 1999 series, 'The Last Train' doesn't matter much to the yankos. Future episodes? Think 28 days, meets, The Beach, meets Blue Lagoon, meets Dr. Moreau, and you're way off. Think Fantasy Island, Castwaway, Lord of the Flies, and, god, you're not even close. Think 24, think 24, think X-files, think Models inc. It hurts but this is where the producers are at. Don't think Mork and Mindy though. Yes, ironically it's also true that the scripts were lost after the third episode, which is why Ron Howardsway, had to start from scratch, with a crayon, and a bag of angel dust. But really, in three years Locke dies...and the social experiment that the island is, will be taken over by Walt.
Don't you hate reading bogus blogs claiming to know all the rumours about what's going to happen in soaps? Don't you hate reading blogs where the height of humour is discussing the fact that all the streets where they live are named after birds? Now this is where I feel cutting off fingertips wouldn't be a bad idea. Someone should have done that to Rowling years ago. I'm sick of having my book launches hi-jacked by middle-class kids dressed as witches, clutching Harry Potter, and getting in the way of my modest queue. Popular culture? And what gives Rowling the leave to present herself as a godess in that interview with Paxman? She really is a witch! (And yes, it is jealousy. Have you seen how much money the bitch earns? Who wouldn't be envious of that...for creating nothing more than a rip off that racist cow, Blyton, and Potter, who isn't racist as for as I know.) Someone should hi-jack her launches...any ideas? Ooh incitment...slap my wrists, Mr right dishonourable Clarke.
No blogs aren't about seeking attention for me. I get too much attention if anything, usually from men, normally bald, with tight shirts and expensive aftershave. I'm going to have to stop going to Elton John parties. (Or Jabba, as I like to call John, since he calls me Pippi, and like Jabba, he has his hangers on. But he's lovely. Isn't the video for Electricity really beautiful? How many men in their late 50's can be in a video where two boys, Billy Elliot, and a 16 year old can innocently dance and embrace while being leered at, by a bloke behind a piano? No, bless Jabba, I love him, in a way.)